You are part of a network of peers who are ready to assist you when needed. Please feel free to reach out to the various contacts for additional help.

What is the ARC?
The US Employment and Training Administration (ETA) provides funding to states to ensure that locally held labor market information (LMI) data is maintained and stored efficiently and consistently to facilitate its effective use and sharing. States get grants to directly support their work toward this aim. But what is the standard they're trying to achieve? Who determines what the priorities are and how to structure them? These are complex questions that have answers that evolve as the available technology and data change. The Analyst Resource Center (ARC) is group of state managers and database administrators who do this work on a day to day basis and who come together to set standards for the database.
ARC Structure
Members of the ARC come from staff of state LMI shops from across the country.
The state of Minnesota is responsible for coordinating the work of the ARC.
The ARC is responsible for the development of the WID structure.

Structure Committee
The Structure Committee reviews and makes recommendations for updates or modifications to the database structure
The Structure Committee collects feedback from state DBAs and discusses modifications to the WID structure based on feedback as well as changing demands under the WIG or WIOA
Policy Committee
The Policy Committee defines the mission and objectives for the consortium and provides management services for its contractors, e.g. the National Crosswalk Service Center and the Employer Database
The chair of the committee serves as primary point of contact for ETA dealing with contractual and financial arrangements and details
Members of this committee serve as contacts for other federal projects such as Projections Central
Education Committee
As its name suggests, the Education/Communication Committee works to communicate and educate state DBAs
This committee is responsible for the newsletter, website and all training materials provided at