APIs and Tableau

It’s possible to get all Census data via API, saving a ton of time on downloading and managing files. The viz below is an example of how that could be done. In it there are two WDC connections – one to the data, and one to the variable names. There is also an Excel connection for relating the geoid to a descriptive area name – for internal use this would be better done as a database connection but by making it an Excel connection anyone viewing this post can download the workbook and pull different content through the same WDC.

Some notes – the connector can be used for many purposes and doesn’t save the parameters from previous calls. Record the values used in case you need to refresh or update. I did this by renaming the connection.

The variable names come from four separate APIs, divided by type. If you’re looking at a Data Profile table, you’ll need to change that second connection to the data profile variables link. Those are listed here:

Subject variables: http://data.widcenter.org/wfinfodb/Tableau/WDC/variablesACS.html
Detailed variables: http://data.widcenter.org/wfinfodb/Tableau/WDC/variabledetailACS.html
Data Profile variables: http://data.widcenter.org/wfinfodb/Tableau/WDC/variabledataprofileACS.html
Comparison Profile variables: http://data.widcenter.org/wfinfodb/Tableau/WDC/variablecomparisonACS.html

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Occupations and Wages

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New Year Tasks

At the start of the new year, don’t forget to update your PERIOD table with new records for the year, months and any other time frames you use (quarters, etc.)

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